March 2010
-improved precision of Csg function
-new function Csg which accepts whole Mesh'es (not only MeshBase)
-fixed CutsPointMesh(Vec,MeshBase,Flt,CutsCache) which in rare occasions could return wrong value when cache was used
-fixed CutsPointMesh(Vec,Mesh) functions to handle properly multiple parts of the mesh which are not closed
-new method "template type Game::Param::asEnum(type invalid)" which allows to automatically use selected enum type (without the need of manual casting) and with support of custom invalid value when desired enum value was not found
-reduced "pixel holes" in world heightmap mesh generation
-fixed a bug in single pass rendering which may caused some shadows to disappear when rendering many point lights
-improved performance of ambient occlusion softing
-ambient occlusion softing can now be set in range 0..3 (instead of old 0..2)
-Game::Chr::sac and Ragdoll now search for 3ds max based bone names ("bip01_" format) when EE based names are not found
-Actor::sleep(false) now doesn't need to be called in Game::Obj::enable method, because it is now automatically called when Actor::kinematic(false) is called
-improved precision of object angular velocity usage in motion blur effect
-decreased too big motion blur effect when rendering with low field of view
-slightly improved quality of D.mtnLeaks(3)
-slightly improved quality of ambient occlusion when ambient half resolution is disabled and super sampling is enabled
-new method Listener.mute
-new functions Dist(Box,Ball), Dist(OBox,Ball), Dist(Edge,Box), Dist(Edge,OBox), Dist(Box,Capsule), Dist(OBox,Capsule), Cuts(Box,Capsule), Cuts(OBox,Capsule), Dist(Tri,Capsule), Cuts(Vec2,Circle), Dist(Vec2,Circle), Dist(Rect,Circle), Dist(Circle,Circle), Cuts(Rect,Circle), Cuts(Circle,Circle)
-improved precision and performance of Dist(OBox,Plane) function
-slightly improved drawing of world editor heightmaps when textures are disabled from the menu
-slightly improved loading ragdoll state from files in which there was a different version of the ragdoll than currently used