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  Thread: Noname Project
Post: RE: Noname Project

Looks great, You are very good in world design :)
Xhizors Showcase 24 22,780 05-10-2010, 08:03 AM
  Thread: Movement Speed.
Post: RE: Movement Speed.

(05-06-2010 07:40 AM)fatcoder Wrote:  All the documentation talks about meters, nowhere have I seen anything about inches. For an average human male: 2 m/s = 4.4 mph, which is a quick walking s...
Xhizors Support 10 10,184 05-10-2010, 07:59 AM
  Thread: Question about lod/mip maps
Post: RE: Question about lod/mip maps

Sexy cow :d
Xhizors Support 27 24,680 05-06-2010, 07:26 AM
  Thread: Advocate (previously Zero Hour): Gameplay Footage
Post: RE: Zero Hour: Pre-Alpha Game Footage

Great work. Keep it up dude
Xhizors Showcase 30 29,966 05-06-2010, 07:24 AM
  Thread: Movement Speed.
Post: RE: Movement Speed.

This is a bit unclear, But is the speed param meters / seconds? Or inches / second? Chr::speed = 2; // 2 Meters / second? Thanks.
Xhizors Support 10 10,184 05-06-2010, 07:18 AM
  Thread: Movement Speed.
Post: Movement Speed.

In the Chr->speed param, Is speed=1 = 1 meter / second? I want my player to move 2 meters / second, I just put speed=2 ? Thank you.
Xhizors Support 10 10,184 05-05-2010, 04:20 PM
  Thread: Texture Quality.
Post: RE: Texture Quality.

So you mean, everyone who wants to have sharp GUI Images must always adjust the window position in Window::update method to get the images sharp?, Can't this be done itself in the Engine's GUI Move ha...
Xhizors Support 11 10,404 04-30-2010, 07:09 AM
  Thread: Texture Quality.
Post: RE: Texture Quality.

(04-29-2010 01:22 PM)Esenthel Wrote:  Quote:I did this, Then the window is clear, BUT when I move the window a bit then the window gets blured. if its that important to you then you can in the W...
Xhizors Support 11 10,404 04-29-2010, 03:58 PM
  Thread: Texture Quality.
Post: RE: Texture Quality.

(04-29-2010 08:28 AM)Esenthel Wrote:  Converter rescales the image to be drawn to match the size of the window I see, But still same problem ingame. Gui += window.create(Rect( D.pixelToScreen(...
Xhizors Support 11 10,404 04-29-2010, 12:51 PM
  Thread: Fade characters.
Post: RE: Fade characters.

(04-28-2010 08:04 PM)Esenthel Wrote:  You can use 'Mesh::drawBlendSolid' (instead of 'Mesh::draw') but it doesn't support lighting and shadowing OK, I will try that out.
Xhizors Support 2 4,751 04-29-2010, 07:08 AM
  Thread: Texture Quality.
Post: RE: Texture Quality.

(04-28-2010 08:05 PM)Esenthel Wrote:  I'll take a look at it when I'll find some time. Please note that not only size is here important, but also position. If your window position is located at ...
Xhizors Support 11 10,404 04-29-2010, 07:07 AM
  Thread: Texture Quality.
Post: RE: Texture Quality.

Did you see the diffrence? Also check the thread: http://www.esenthel.com/community/showth...p?tid=2078 Thank you
Xhizors Support 11 10,404 04-28-2010, 01:45 PM
  Thread: Texture Quality.
Post: RE: Texture Quality.

(04-28-2010 09:58 AM)Esenthel Wrote:  if you use A8R8G8B8 then the image will be exactly the same as original Yes, but when I load it into the engine the image quality is not as sharp. Try to d...
Xhizors Support 11 10,404 04-28-2010, 10:50 AM
  Thread: Texture Quality.
Post: Texture Quality.

Hello, I have tested to load 2D Images into the engine with same size and diffrent formats but I can't get the image to look perfect like using this tool: http://developer.nvidia.com/object/windo...i...
Xhizors Support 11 10,404 04-28-2010, 09:44 AM
  Thread: Fade characters.
Post: Fade characters.

Hello, I want to make some fade function for my character handler and I wondering how it should be done. 1) When the character creates ( add to the world ) it should start on alpha 0 and increase to ...
Xhizors Support 2 4,751 04-26-2010, 07:51 PM
  Thread: Detect GUI Objects.
Post: RE: Detect GUI Objects.

(04-23-2010 12:12 PM)Esenthel Wrote:  maybe you want Gui.kb - object with keyboard focus? I will try it, One more question, About the Tab control, Is there any way to make so you can't unpres...
Xhizors Support 3 8,421 04-23-2010, 12:34 PM
  Thread: Detect GUI Objects.
Post: Detect GUI Objects.

How can I detect if an GUI Object is active? I tested like. if( Gui.ms() == CAST( TextLine, &chatbox ) && Kb.bp( KB_ENTER ) ) { --Do Stuff.. } But Gui.ms() return only the object under ...
Xhizors Support 3 8,421 04-23-2010, 12:10 PM
  Thread: Create / Remove Objects.
Post: RE: Create / Remove Objects.

It was easier then I thought, to just return false in the update method :)
Xhizors Support 3 5,427 04-21-2010, 07:34 AM
  Thread: Create / Remove Objects.
Post: Create / Remove Objects.

What is the correct way to add/remove object from the world? Add: CObjectClass *pObj; = ... etc Game::ObjParams &obj = *Game::Objs("obj/chr/Human/0.obj"); Game::World.objCreate( obj, Matrix(obj....
Xhizors Support 3 5,427 04-19-2010, 10:20 PM
  Thread: How to dynamically load in units? (spawn)
Post: RE: How to dynamically load in units? (spawn)

(04-15-2010 01:21 PM)Rudyjason Wrote:  seeing as the art isn't finished yet I'm currently using the assets u provided with the engine. I tried using the world.objcreate function and I can spawn ...
Xhizors Support 3 4,908 04-15-2010, 09:19 PM