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Access violation error in engine method
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Harry Offline

Post: #1
Access violation error in engine method

I tried to make simple quest editor in game last year, but I got error in engine function. I created button which should add gui elements below it when it's pressed. Elements are stored in Memc container. First element adds without problems, but second try give me an error in EE::GuiObjChildren::draw() method in EE::GUI::draw().

I've attached sample .cpp file which shows the problem.

Attached File(s)
.rar  Error.rar (Size: 598 bytes / Downloads: 1)
(This post was last modified: 09-04-2012 03:34 PM by Harry.)
09-04-2012 03:33 PM
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Esenthel Online

Post: #2
RE: Access violation error in engine method
Memc does not preserve elements memory addresses and GuiObj'ects need that because they're const_mem_addr
Please use Memx instead
09-04-2012 05:52 PM
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Harry Offline

Post: #3
RE: Access violation error in engine method
Thanks, I don't know that there is so simple solution smile

To not make multiple threads I have also small request related to region resizing. There is setSize method which resize region according to it's children when NULL paremeter is passed and other size when the parameter is a Vector. Could you make also method which resize region by delta as parameter?

I see also that when we put values smaller than current region size, region won't be resized. Is it ok? Which members is modified when setSize method is called? I checked rect and crect values before and after setSize call and I didn't see any changes.
09-05-2012 10:29 PM
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