Nito Vermilion
RE: New Medieval House
looks incredible, very detailed and it looks like a real house - not like those unstable objects which look like they collapse in no time. Sadly I do not need houses in my game xD
04-22-2014 09:05 PM |
RE: New Medieval House
Really nice work there
04-22-2014 09:17 PM |
RE: New Medieval House
good job
04-22-2014 09:49 PM |
Pixel Perfect
RE: New Medieval House
Very nice and good to see you back again Shatterstar.
I like the attempt at making it look weathered, too many medieval style modellers make their buildings look too pristine! Maybe the rock walls and thatching could do with some discolouring but otherwise looks great.
Do these have interiors too?
04-23-2014 11:27 AM |
Pixel Perfect
RE: New Medieval House
Yeah, I much prefer the mossy one. I like the staining on the rock walls too! Very nice  Excellent work!
04-24-2014 12:14 AM |
RE: New Medieval House
That’s looking really nice Shattterstar! A slight bevel or some edge smoothing on the top edges of the roof would enhance the thatch look.
You are certainly capturing the period well.
04-24-2014 06:31 AM |
04-24-2014 08:01 AM |
RE: New Medieval House
The model looks indeed very nice, the only part i can see that can be improved is indeed the roof and the thread in Polish that was posted above has some nice techniques.
Also an "ingame" view with the complete textures can make the difference as far as i have experienced until now.
04-24-2014 07:21 PM |
RE: New Medieval House
yeah...I agree. In game makes all the difference. I have bump and normal maps set up for this model too. but I don't like how my computer renders them in blender. I'll make another pic post soon with them in game. also almost everything is beveled. Including the roof, but its a blender thing. its just not going to look as good in blender as it does in Esenthel.
04-27-2014 10:46 PM |