About Lights
I would firstly say Hi and Good Job for the engine.
Its the easiest to use and prettiest engine i've seen.
Its maybe more about Shadows.
I think that the shadows rendered by lights are fully "Pitch Black". I could add some other lights to make this more real, but if there is other ways than making another shadows... I would like to know it. Is there some configurations that can be done to make this? Or any implementation of "Indirect Lightning" beceause its really about the indirect lights... Just to know in case I didnt search enough, and to say Hello  .
02-25-2009 05:40 AM |
Re: About Lights
Hello to you too
You can also use ambient lighting D.ambColor (this can optionally be combined with ambient occlusion for better effect, D.ambMode)
You can also use pre-computed shadows, via adding light-maps to the materials.
Besides that, shadows are generated from the lights (LightPoint, LightSqr, LightCone, LightDir) in stencil and shadow mapping mode.
02-25-2009 11:04 AM |