I'm glad that you like the engine
If you mean the "07 - Mesh.cpp" tutorial, then the mesh inside it is generated programatically
"mshb.create(Torus(1,0.3),VTX_NRM); // create Mshb from torus, and automatically create vertex normals in order to lit the mshb properly"
this function creates mesh from a Torus, there are also other functions for generating meshes out of shapes
loading models from files is of course also supported
you can use Mesh::load method for loading, or simplier - use mesh cache "Meshs("your custom.mesh")->" it's all in the tutorials
In your custom projects you need to include only one header "EsenthelEngine.h".
Those files on the left in Tutorials project (engine headers) are optional, they're only present there for easy viewing the headers content, normally they're not required.
When using custom projects remember to set their "Project Settings" as stated in the documentation.
As for the animations, yes you can apply them to your own characters, all you need is to supply an animation skeleton for your mesh, and set it's bone names as in Engine standards (you can check that in the documentation "resources\skeletons")
Let me know if you'll have more questions