base.gfx issue with material import (solved - but strange)
I've been working on importing all of my DAE files into editor. As an example, I have a player avatar that has 6 parts: head, body, arms, hands, legs, feet. Each part has it's own jpg file for the material. When I drag drop the dae into editor, I get the mesh file I want. The issue is on material application. When I follow the video tutorial, create a new material file, drag say head.jpg into material window, I get the material. I overwrite to head.mtrl BUT it creates that file AND a base.gfx file. It seems whatever material I create last, that overwrites the base.gfx, and the whole model (all 6 parts) get that one material, even though the material for the other parts say the correct name. What's up with that?
see screenshot in attached file.
(This post was last modified: 07-27-2011 06:52 PM by ghreef.)
I will try file new although the online video tutorial does not. It only clicks on the new button in the material editor screen.
I don't agree that one material for the whole mesh, especially of a player is more efficient. Having the material broken up like this, I can mask different clothing, skin colors, facial features, tattoos all on the same mesh, just by changing the material file in code. Thoughts?
if you drag 'head.jpg' then only head.gfx should be generated
1 texture is more efficient performance wise
multiple textures are more flexible for character customization.
I drag head, and it creates a head.mtrl, but it overwrites the base.gfx file. All six materials overwrite the base.gfx while creating their own .mtrl file. Any clues there?
Update: For some reason, if I export the model with materials from 3DS max through Open Collada exporter to a dae, and use the files that come with that to create the materials, it all overwrites the base.gfx. However, if I take the source jpg files and copy them over in Windows explorer, and create materials straight from them through material editor, each file creates it's own .gfx file. Then I can apply them to the correct parts of the mesh. Odd behavior, but simplifying the method created a fix that works. Might be some odd bug between my version of 3Ds, open collada and E:editor.
Thanks for the input all. Not sure how to rank this one, but I'll put it as solved since I can move forward.