I am trying to do a free flying box. The rotation and movement in global coordinates works fine. However flying forward accordingly to local box coordinates/direction does not seem to be easy to crack.
This works as expected in global coordinates moving box forward
if(Kb.b(KB_U)) box.kinematicMoveTo( box.pos()+Vec(0, 0, 0.02));
if(Kb.b(KB_J)) box.kinematicMoveTo( box.pos()+Vec(0, 0, -0.02));
Trying to convert local coordinates to global coordinates with matrix arithmetic does not work at all(random movement). (I can;t fly the box forward accordingly to it's rotation).
if(Kb.b(KB_U)) box.kinematicMoveTo( box.pos()+Vec(0, 0, 0.02)*m);
if(Kb.b(KB_J)) box.kinematicMoveTo( box.pos()+Vec(0, 0, -0.02)*m);
Please let me know if you have some hints.
This is what i found so far about subject - converting local global coordinates/directions:
I hope there is a solution without sin/cos/atan etc, just with matrix.
Second edit:
This is the solution, i could find and works:
if(Kb.b(KB_U)) box.kinematicMoveTo( box.pos()+Vec(0, 0, 0.02)*m);
if(Kb.b(KB_J)) box.kinematicMoveTo( box.pos()+Vec(0, 0, -0.02)*m);